Messaging continues to be of rise. The new generation is more willing to send texts than to call. Communicating with an instant messenger has an unique advantage over the old good email: you can easily send replies over replies quickly, resulting in a dialogue. But there is a serious problem: many of the instant messengers are commercial products that work such that their "users" are in fact the exploitable resource having no control or choice.
Most corporations are fair providers of various products and services we can buy. But not these "Big Tech" that offer "free applications," including instant messengers. There is, obviously, nothing free on the Earth. Then, if you do not pay, then you are the product not the customer. The Big Tech corporations exploit the "end-users" to suck out private data, often for further resale. Nearly all of these messengers have centralised architecture and the user's account is linked to the telephone number, completely destroying privacy. The link to the telephone number is also very inconvenient because you cannot get several accounts easily, this requires obtaining several mobile subscriptions. It's just illogical, expensive and silly. Centralized architecture dictates that the communication is kept on the corporate servers so theoretically many employees can read messages by abuse.
Some of the products are advertised as end-to-end encrypted. But nearly all of them are closed source so there is no way to check how this is implemented and if and when the service owner can have access to private messages content. Moreover, we have evidence for the opposite. Many so called "end-to-end encrypted" messages are actually read by AI and human contractors. Even if communication is technically end-to-end encrypted, the company owns and fully controls the server, the client application and network traffic, so a man-in-the-middle attack by silently changing certificates is possible (e.g. in the context of lawful intercept, or unlawful abuse). Metadata (technical information information about all aspects of communication, including the addressees, their locations, IP addresses, telephone number etc.) is always accessible to the service. But metadata is often even more informative than the message content. How such metadata is used is typically unclear. The user has no authority here at all.
Nearly all of these messengering systems have closed proprietary protocol. This means that how you use the product is completely controlled by the owner company. The only way to use the product is with the official application. You cannot just choose for yourself which application program to use. This is cardinally different from the email, for example, where you can use the provider's web interface, its mobile app or any of the many available email applications such as Thunderbird or K-9 Mail. With such a third-party application you can easily consolidate several email accounts in one place and easily make use of the functionality the provider does not offer, such as end-to-end encryption. Another major problem is monopoly and lack of interoperability. The "users" (in reality, the exploited resource) are completely restricted to the owner's platform and are unable to communicate with the other (especially competing) platforms (e.g. Facebook to Snapchat) as a way to keep users within the silo. This is as if you were unable to call/send sms across different mobile operators. And this is silly. To break down monopoly, ensure fairer competition and interoperability across the services, the EU has developed the Digital Markets Act (DMA) regulation. This is a big step, but it does not solve many of the problems with centralization, privacy and regular security flaws.
Take back your freedom, privacy and security
So, why use the restricted, inconvenient, monopolistic, insecure and non-private platforms for the trivial task of sending instant messages? There are several ways to configure one's own privately controlled instant messaging system: XMPP and Matrix. XMPP is lightweight, easy to install, and more private and secure, yet covers all the typical instant communication purposes: text, file share and voice. Moreover, XMPP servers are by default federated: it is easy to send messages across the different servers like in the email. There are many different applications for all operating systems and platforms the user can choose. Update: XMPP can communicate with federated Matrix network because ejabberd now implements a Matrix gateway.
It is very easy to set up one's own XMPP server for a small group, company, the family or just an individual. You will need two things:
Server that will be the central hub for the communication network running 24x7. This can be anything, from a Rasberry PI in a cupboard to a Virtual Private Server (VPS) somewhere in a data centre or just an old PC running in your basement. A small scale VPS useful for an XMPP server can be very cheap, up to a three Euro per month. There exist even cheaper options, such as EUR 6 per year. There are also dedicated search engines to help locate cheap VPS, e.g. LowendBox and ServerHunter. A typical operating system running on the server is Linux (very secure, highly configurable, free and open source).
Domain name that needs to be used to connect to the XMPP server. Domain can be registered to the user (e.g.
), which costs about 30 Euro yearly. But a sub-domain can be obtained for free using the or similar "free DNS" services. In the later case you might have something
. Freenom offers free domains
, .cf
. It is possible to run the XMPP server purely on IP address even without domain name, but it is much less convenient (e.g. then federation with other servers is lost).
Given you have got a server (VPS or dedicated machine) and the domain, configuring an XMPP server can be done on 1-2-3. There exist several Linux variants (distributives) with different management commands (usually for installing software). I assume Debian Linux is used below (the same commands also work for Ubuntu and other Debian-based Linux systems).
1. Install XMPP server software
Login. When you have got a server of any kind, you need tologin
to it, typically with ssh
ssh debian@
here the user name on the server is debian
and the server ip
. Typically, you may need to create the ssh key and
upload it to the server to authenticate (refer the server documentation, e.g.
I assume logging-in is not a problem.
Prepare server. First of all, update the software on the new server
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
Install some useful monitoring and security-enhancing utilities
sudo apt install -y mc htop atop nload nmon tree zip pwgen fail2ban dnsutils iptables-persistent locate unattended-upgrades
Install certbot, a system that manages the TLS certificates for secure connection
sudo apt -y install certbot
Install the ejabberd server, which is is very reliable and light on resources
sudo apt install ejabberd
Firewall. To allow incoming network access to this server by the XMPP
clients and also third-party servers, the server needs to configure
the firewall rules. This can be done differently in different
installations. For example, some VPS may do this using a friendly web
interface. The standard Linux firewall is done via iptables
The XMPP system requires incoming acces via ports 5222, 5223, 5269, 5443, 5280, 3478. To determine the ports refer to the listen section of the XMPP configuration file below.
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5222 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5223 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5269 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5443 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5280 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
# STUN is over udp
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 3478 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
The port 7777 is used for a proxy for peer-to-peer (bytestream) file transfer. If peer-to-peer file sharing is intended for use, an additional rule should be set allowing incoming connections:
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 7777 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
To see what firewall rules are in effect issue this:
iptables -L --line-numbers
It makes sense to save the iptables rules so they are automatically get in effect after reboot
iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4
2. Configure your XMPP server
Secure connection certificate. Get a free
Let's Encrypt
TLS certificate.
I assume you have got a free domain
Note that ejabberd can manage (issue and update) TLS certificates on its own, but this needs some configuration as described in the
configuration option: An advantage of the standalone certificate management system (as here) is that it is slightly less tricky and can easily be used with a web server on the same machine. Why not also configure a web server for a small static web site here? Ejabberd is very lightweight and will happily coexist with many other servers running on the same machine.
sudo certbot --standalone certonly -d
This command will ask a few questions and issue a TLS certificate. This process is done over http so http port 80 must allow incoming connections. If this is not so, use the following command:
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
Do not forget to save iptables rules with the iptables-save
as above.
The certificate files are located in
For the sake of security, the certificate directories have by default no access to anyone except the admin (root) user. But this precludes the XMPP server ejabberd to access the certificate. This can be easily fixed with the following commands
First, add ejabberd to the root group
sudo adduser ejabberd root
Second, allow access to the certificate directories to the group
sudo chmod g+rx /etc/letsencrypt/live/
sudo chmod g+rx /etc/letsencrypt/live
sudo chmod g+rx /etc/letsencrypt/
Configure ejabberd. Once the preparations are done, it is time to configure the ejabberd messaging server. Edit the configuration file (assuming the mcedit text editor is used)
sudo mcedit /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.yml
This is a long configuration file that may look scary. But in fact only a few changes are required to make the server running with the default options. But note that the indents are important, try to keep them as in the original file.
Any line starting with #
is considered a comment, this can be easily used
to disable specific options by "commenting them out."
First, set up the host name that is used for the server, it is the same as the domain:
Second, configure the location of the TLS certificates that are used by the server:
- "/etc/letsencrypt/live/"
- "/etc/letsencrypt/live/"
Configure the admin users who can manage the XMPP server:
- ""
- "myname": ""
Then, add configuration for http-file-upload module that will allow file sharing (sending files):
put_url: https://@HOST@:5443/upload
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "https://@HOST@"
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "GET,HEAD,PUT,OPTIONS"
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Content-Type"
It is convenient to keep the latest messages on the server, it is done with the "mam" module:
assume_mam_usage: true
default: always
Ejabberd supports several other communication protocols in addition to XMPP. For example, it also works with MQTT that is typically used for IoT devices. If this functionality is not used, just comment out the MQTT module to disable it.
# mod_mqtt: {}
The STUN and TURN protocol is mainly used for voice calls and needs the actual IP address of the server (replace with your server IP addfress)
port: 3478
ip: "::"
transport: udp
module: ejabberd_stun
use_turn: true
## The server's public IPv4 address:
turn_ipv4_address: ""
An important issue is wether to allow anonymous registrations of new users.
I strongly recommend not allowing this for security reasons. For a small
private server, you will normally add users manually and set them initial
passwords. Every user can then change password within the client program. So,
you need to disable the mod_register
by commenting it out:
# mod_register:
# ## Only accept registration requests from the "trusted"
# ## network (see access_rules section above).
# ## Think twice before enabling registration from any
# ## address. See the Jabber SPAM Manifesto for details:
# ##
# ip_access: trusted_network
Start server! And that's all minimal configuration. Now it's time to start the server:
sudo systemctl start ejabberd
If there are any errors and the server fails to start, Linux logs can be inspected with this command:
sudo journalctl -xe
or logs for only ejabberd:
sudo journalctl -xe --unit ejabberd
Additional stuff. The above is enough to make the XMPP server running for text. If voice is required, you need to configure the DNS as described here: DNS is normally configured using the control panel of the domain registrar.
The TLS certificate that is managed by certbot
is updated each 90 days. This is an automatic process, but the ejabberd
server must know when certificate is changed. This can be done using the
deploy hook. Just create the hook file
(the file name can be
sudo mcedit /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/
and add the following commands:
ejabberdctl reload_config
This file must be executable, so issue this command:
sudo chmod ugo+x /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/
The last note on the server is that it should be regularly updated for
bug fixes and security updates. This is done automatically by installing
above. Yet, it is a good practice to log in regularly
over the ssh, check logs and update the system:
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
3. Configure the XMPP users and client application
Register new users. First, you need to register the XMPP users. The
quickest method is to use the command line on the server, the command
has advanced functions.
A secure random password can be generated withy pwgen
, e.g. the following
generates passwords with 18 symbols:
pwgen 18
It normally generates an array of possible passwords to choose from.
Now, to register the user myname
, It is the admin user configured in the main
configuration file /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.yml
# user domain password
sudo ejabberdctl register myname pee8chogh9Heel6hei
Other users can be configured similarly. Note that the full user name for XMPP
has the same format se email:
. This is due to
the federated nature of both systems: you need to know both the user and
the server with whom to communicate.
For this example let's register two additional users:
sudo ejabberdctl register john.dow ohyeeLeefo9yief4gu
sudo ejabberdctl register anna.karenina hejo7phiy2iFeW9She
Use! The final step is configure the client program on the user's device. The biggest difficulty at this step is the plenty of choice. For any major platform, one can choose any of the many available XMPP client programs. Some email programs, e.g. Thunderbird also support XMPP (although only a limited subset of features). Check out the The configuration for the client is simple:
Server: your server, in the example above it is
User name: your user name. In the example we used above, it can be
Note that the option to create new account must NOT be enabled as
long as the account has already been created on the sever and the in-band
registration (mod_register
, see above) is disabled for
Some programs accept the full user name without specifying user and domain
separately. Then the user is just
. If you
plan to use the peer-to-peer (bytestream) file transfer (but
this is not mandatory), you should also find where the file transfer proxy is
configured and set it with the proxy
subdomain, for our example it should be
. And that is all for basic client configuration.
I recommend the Blabber XMPP application for devices running Android. Yaxim is the best option for minimalists, it is notoriously miniature (only a few megabytes) and works great even on the oldest and weakest devices. Miranda NG is a powerful XMPP client program for Windows. There are also a few web-based clients: and that you can try right away without installing anything.
The final step is to fill the contact list (called roster) with the addresses
of the people (or maybe devices, because XMPP can be easily configured for
bots accepting commands). Just remember that the address is full name as in
email: user@server.domain
. One useful option is so called Shared roster
groups: then you can configure
a group of contacts without the need to add them manually.
Happy chatting!
There are many advanced options and possibilities in ejabberd. Just check the documentation at the official web site: and documentation
There are also a few useful tutorials, e.g.