
  1. Budaev, S. V. & Sbikin, Y. N. (1989). Avoidance of approaching objects by juvenile sturgeons (Acipenser stellatus). In D.S. Pavlov & Y.N. Sbikin (Eds.), Morphology, Ecology and Behaviour of Sturgeons (pp.194-198). Moscow: Nauka (In Russian). (pdf)

  2. Sbikin, Y. N. & Budaev, S. V. (1991). Some aspects of the development of feeding relationships in groups of young sturgeons (Acipenseridae) during artificial rearing. Journal of Ichthyology, 31, 23-30. (pdf)

  3. Budaev, S. V. & Dzerzhinsky, K. F. (1992). Effect of water turbidity on elements of schooling behaviour of Hemigrammus caudovittatus. In D.S. Pavlov & A.G. Gusar (Eds.), Fish Behaviour and Distribution (pp. 132-144). Moscow: IEMEZh. (In Russian). (pdf) (txt)

  4. Mochek, A. D. & Budaev, S. V. (1993). The ethologometry of fishes of the Black Sea littoral. Journal of Ichthyology, 33, 258-263. (pdf)

  5. Budaev, S.V. (1995). EXPR: A computer system for the recording and analysis of animal behaviour. Journal of Higher Nervous Activity, 45, 423-429 (In Russian with English abstract). (pdf)

  6. Budaev, S. V. (1997). The statistical analysis of behavioural latency measures. ISCP Newsletter, 14, No. 1, 1-4. (pdf)

  7. Budaev, S. V. (1997). Alternative styles in the European wrasse, Symphodus ocellatus: boldness-related schooling tendency. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 49, 71-78. (pdf)

  8. Zworykina, S. V., Budaev, S.V. & Zworykin, D. D. (1997). Consistency of Skinner box activity measures in the domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 10, 159-166. (pdf)

  9. Budaev, S. V. (1997). ‘Personality’ in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata): A correlational study of exploratory behavior and social tendency. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 111, 399-411. (pdf)

  10. Budaev, S. V. & Zhuikov, A. Y. (1998). Avoidance learning and ‘personality’ in the guppy Poecilia reticulata. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 112, 92-94. (pdf)

  11. Budaev, S. V. & Zworykin, D. D. (1998). Difference in shoaling behaviour between ocellated (Symphodus ocellatus) and long-striped (S. tinca) wrasses and its relation to other behavioural patterns. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 31, 115-121. (pdf)

  12. Zworykin, D. D., Budaev, S.V. & Mochek, A. D. (1998). Alternative tactics of male compensatory behaviour during parental care in Cichlasoma octofasciatum. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 31, 185-191. (pdf)

  13. Budaev, S.V. (1998). How many dimensions are needed to describe temperament in animals: A factor reanalysis of two data sets. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 11, 17-29. (pdf)

  14. Budaev, S. V. (1999). Sex differences in the Big Five personality factors: Testing an evolutionary hypothesis. Personality and Individual Differences, 26, 801-813. (pdf)

  15. Budaev, S.V., Zworykin, D.D. & Mochek, A.D. (1999). Individual differences in parental care and behavioural profile in the convict cichlid: A correlation study. Animal Behaviour, 58, 195-202. (pdf)

  16. Budaev, S.V., Zworykin, D.D. & Mochek, A.D. (1999). Consistency of individual differences in behaviour of the lion-headed cichlid, Steatocranus casuarius. Behavioural Processes, 48, 49-55. (pdf)

  17. Zworykin, D.D., Budaev, S.V. & Mochek, A.D. (2000). Does parental fin digging improve feeding opportunities for offspring in the convict cichlid? Environmental Biology of Fishes, 57, 443-449. (pdf)

  18. Zworykin, D.D. & Budaev, S.V. (2000). Parental brood provisioning as a component of parental care in neotropical cichlid fishes (Perciformes: Cichlidae). Journal of Ichthyology, 40, Supplement 2, S271-S280. (pdf)

  19. Mochek, A.D. & Budaev, S.V. (2001). Ichthyological indication of aquatic ecosystems: Coral reefs, Journal of Ichthyology, vol. 41, Supplement 2, S237-S241. (pdf).

  20. Budaev, S.V. and Zworykin, D.D. (2002). Individuality in fish behavior: Ecology and comparative psychology, Journal of Ichthyology, vol. 42, Supplement 2, S189-S195. (pdf)

  21. Budaev, S.V. and Zworykin, D.D. (2003). Habituation of predator inspection and boldness in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), Journal of Ichthyology, vol. 43, Supplement 2, S243-S247. (pdf)

  22. Feniova, I.Yu., Budaev, S.V. (2003). Modeling of invasion processes under conditions of exploitative competition, In Invasions of Alien Species in Holarctic. Proceedings of U.S-Russia Invasive Species Workshop, 27-31 August 2001, Borok, Russia (pp. 332-343). Borok: Papanin Institute for the Biology of Inland Waters (in English and Russian). (pdf)

  23. Feniova, I.Yu., Budaev, S.V., and Dgebuadze, Yu.Yu. (2006). Simulation of cladoceran survival strategy under conditions of food depletion. Russian Journal of Ecology, 37, 28-34. (pdf)

  24. Feniova, I.Yu. and Budaev, S.V. (2006). Estimation of the possibility of cladoceran invasion and survival under conditions of competition in mesotrophic Lake Glubokoe. Russian Journal of Ecology, 37, 200-204. (pdf)

  25. Dgebuadze, Yu.Yu., Feniova, I.Yu., and Budaev, S.V. (2006). Role of predation and competition in invasion processes, an example of zooplankton communities. Biologiya vnutrennikh vod (Biology of Inland Waters), No. 1, 67-73 (In Russian). (pdf)

  26. Pavlov, D.S., Feniova, I.Yu., Budaev, S.V., and Dgebuadze, Yu.Yu., (2006). Role of biotic interactions in invasion processes, An example of zooplankton communities. Doklady Biological Sciences, 408, 217-219. (pdf)

  27. Zworykin, D.D., Budaev, S.V., Darkov, A.A., Dzerzhinskii, K.F., Lyovin, B.A. and Mina, M.V., (2006). Assessment of the role of chemoreception in the mate choice in barbs of the Barbus intermedius complex from Lake Tana, Ethiopia. Journal of Ichthyology, 46, 661-667. (pdf)

  28. Andrew,R.J., Osorio, D. & Budaev, S. (2009). Light during embryonic development modulates patterns of lateralisation strongly and similarly in both zebrafish and chick. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 364, 983-989. (pdf)

  29. Budaev, S.V. & Andrew, R.J. (2009) Shyness and behavioural asymmetries in larval zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio) developed in light and dark. Behaviour, 146, 1037-1052. (pdf)

  30. Budaev, S.V. & Andrew, R.J. (2009) Patterns of early embryonic light exposure determine behavioural asymmetries in zebrafish: A habenular hypothesis. Behavioural Brain Research, 200, 91-94. (pdf) (supplemental video)

  31. Feniova, Yu.I., Palash, A.L. & Budaev, S.V. (2010) Effect of food abundance and biotic relationships on the invasion success of large and small cladoceran species in experimental conditions. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal (Journal of Zoology), 89, 416-423. (pdf)

  32. Budaev, S. (2010). Using principal components and factor analysis in animal behaviour research: Caveats and guidelines. Ethology, 116, 472-480. (pdf)

  33. Budaev, S. (2010). Multivariate Methods and Small Sample Size: Combining with Small Effect Size. SSRN Electronic Journal, 472–480. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3075441 (pdf)

  34. Budaev, S. & Brown, C. (2011) Personality traits and behavior, in Fish Cognition and Behavior, 2nd edn (ed. by C. Brown, K. Laland & J. Krause). London: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 135–165. (pdf)

  35. Zworykin, D. & Budaev, S. (2013) Non-indigenous armoured catfish in Vietnam: Invasion and systematics. Ichthyological Research, 60, 327–333. (pdf)

  36. Pavlov, D.S., Mochek, A.D., Borisenko, E.S., Budaev, S.V. (2014) Analysis of fish distribution and abundance in Lake Glubokoe using hydroacoustic methods, in Current state of inland waters biological resources. Proceedings of the second All-Russia conference with foreign partners. November 6-9, 2014, Borok, Russia (ed. by V.K. Golovanov, M.I. Shatunovskii & Yu.V. Gerasimov). Moscow: Poligraf-Plus, pp. 421-429.

  37. Mochek, A.D., Borisenko, E.S., Pavlov, D.S., Chemagin, A.A., Budaev, S.V. (2014) Hydroacoustics researches of fish distribution in a floodplain channels and in the Irtysh River , in The behaviour of fish. Proceedings of the V All-Russia Conference, Borok, Russia, 8-9 November 2014 (ed. by D.S. Pavlov, A.O. Kasumyan & V.K. Golovanov). Kostroma: Kostroma publishing house pp. 171-180 (In Russian). (pdf)

  38. Budaev, S.V., Mikheev, V.N. & Pavlov, D.S. (2015) Individual differences in behavior and mechanisms of ecological differentiation with fishes as an example. Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii (Journal of General Biology), 76, 26-47 (In Russian). (pdf); English translation: Biology Bulletin Reviews, 5, 462–479 (pdf); Popular resume in Russian.

  39. Mochek, A.D., Borisenko, E.S., Pavlov, D.S., Chemagin, A.A, Budaev, S.V. (2015) Factors affecting the distribution of fish during receding flood in lower Irtysh: effects of water level and diurnal cycle. Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology, 51, 89-100. doi:10.1051/limn/2015003  (pdf)

  40. Mochek, A.D., Borisenko, E.S., Budaev, S.V. & Pavlov, D.S. (2015) Summer and autumn distribution of fish in Lake Glubokoe. Journal of Ichthyology, 55, 355-362. doi:10.1134/S003294521503008X (pdf) (pdf,ru)

  41. Budaev, S., Giske, J. & Eliassen, S. (2018) AHA: A general cognitive architecture for Darwinian agents. Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectutes, 25, 51-57. doi:10.1016/j.bica.2018.07.009  (pdf).

  42. Budaev, S., Jørgensen, C., Mangel, M., Eliassen, S., & Giske, J. (2019). Decision-making from the animal perspective: Bridging ecology and subjective cognition. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 164. doi:10.3389/fevo.2019.00164  (pdf).

  43. Dzerzhinskiy, K. F., Zworykin, D. D., & Budaev, S. V. (2019). Early ontogeny of the climbing perch Anabas testudineus (Anabantidae) in relation to the buoyancy dynamics. Journal of Ichthyology, 59, 766–775. doi:10.1134/S0042875219050023  (pdf). (pdf,ru).

  44. Budaev, S., Kristiansen, T. S., Giske, J., & Eliassen, S. (2020). Computational animal welfare: Towards cognitive architecture models of animal sentience, emotion and wellbeing. Royal Society Open Science. 7, 201886. doi:10.1098/rsos.201886  (pdf).

  45. Jensen, C. H., Weidner, J., Giske, J., Budaev, S., Jørgensen, C., & Eliassen, S. (2021). Hormonal adjustments to future expectations impact growth and survival in juvenile fish. Oikos, 130, 41-51. doi:10.1111/oik.07483  (pdf)

  46. Budaev, S. (2021). Safety and reverence: How Roman Catholic Liturgy can Respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Religion and Health, (pdf) (preprint:  and

  47. Budaev, S., Dumitru M.L., Enberg K., Handeland S.O., Higginson A.D., Kristiansen T.S., Opdal A.F., Railsback S.F., Rønnestad I., Vollset K.W., Mangel M., Giske J. (2024) Premises for a digital twin of the atlantic salmon in its world: agency, robustness, subjectivity, and prediction. Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries, 4, e153. (pdf)

  48. Lai F., Rønnestad, I., Budaev, S., Balseiro, P., Gelebart, V., Pedrosa, C., Stevnebø, A., Haugarvoll, E., Korsøen, Ø.J., Tangen, KL, Folkedal, O., Handeland, S. (2024). Freshwater history influences farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) performance in seawater. Aquaculture, 586, 740750, (pdf) (suppl.,pdf)

  49. Giske, J., Dumitru, M.L., Enberg, K., Folkedal, O., Handeland, S.O., Higginson, A.D., Opdal, A.F., Rønnestad, I., Salvanes, A.G.V., Vollset, K.W., Zennaro, F.M., Mangel, M., Budaev, S. (2025). Premises for digital twins reporting on Atlantic salmon wellbeing. Behavioural Processes 105163.

  50. Giske J, Budaev S, Eliassen S, Higginson AD, Jørgensen C, Mangel M. (2025) Vertebrate decision-making leads to the interdependence of behaviour and wellbeing Animal Behaviour, 221, 123101.

  51. Azevedo, M.L., Silva, T., Soares, F., Budaev, S., Conceição, L., Rønnestad, I. (2025) Development and evaluation of a reference feed intake models for meagre (Argyrosomus regius). Aquacultural Engineering,

Other works

  1. Budaev, S.V. (2000). The dimensions of personality in humans and other animals: a comparative and evolutionary perspective. Available at:, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.20870.27208 (pdf)

  2. Mochek, A.D. & Budaev, S.V. (2000). Fishes as indicators of ecological conditions in nearshore habitats of Nhatrang bay. Technical report, Joint Russian-Vietnamese Tropical Research and Technology Centre, Marine Branch. Nhatrang, Vietnam. (archived) (pdf,en) (pdf,ru)

  3. Budaev, S.V. (2000). Individual differences in fish behaviour. PhD Dissertation. Moscow: Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences. (In Russian) (summary) (full text)

  4. Jensen, C., Le Gall, F., Trotignon, D., Abid, A., De Prisco, J., Budaev, S., (2022). iFishIENCi report on final smart feeding AI.

  5. Cusimano, G.M., Robinson, F., Nagel, F., Cueto, P.S., Le Gall, F., Gasser, L., Prost, N., Jensen, C., Budaev, S. 2024. Intelligent Fish feeding through Integration of ENabling technologies and Circular principle. D15 Demonstration Performance (KPIs) for Recirculating Aquaculture Systems. Demonstration in Operational Environments: Deliverable D3.4 Ref Ares(2024)2550808.

  6. Budaev, S. (2024). The Omnipotence paradox reduces to the omniidiota dilemma. Available at SSRN:


  1. The AHA Model: Adapted Heuristics and Architecture
    AHA Modelling Tools Manual.

  2. Budaev, S. (2018). sbudaev/AHA-R1: The AHA Model: Reference Model R1, release 1.0. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1215790

  3. Budaev, S. (2020-2022). The FishMet model of fish appetite and feeding.

  4. Budaev, S. GitLab repositories at the University of Bergen

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